As we are surrounded by a beautiful community of women we love to organize made-to-measure events, offering a personalized experience.

Salon x Wouters&Hendrix

September 3, 2025
We are proud ambassadors of Belgian jewelry brand Wouter&Hendrix. We love their wit in design, their easy to wear items which combine beautifully with our preloved fashion collection. As we like our clients to get to know this special brand we organize instore personal shopping events at their lovely Amsterdam store.

Dries van Noten

March 5, 2025
As I am a bigtime fan of Dries van Noten, we organized a dinner with likeminded fans and clients after his announcement to retire. A beautiful table was set in the Salon, food and flowers colour-coordinated and we offered a vintage archive sale of 20 years of Dries van Noten clothes.